Thursday, October 27, 2011

happy birthday to you

wish you have a very happy day
wish you have all the best in your life

the babies born
some happiness following
love to have babies' smile around us
welcoming babies with some lovely gifts is a pleasant

begins with the first birthday after a year leaps..
crawling, learning the basic ability..
children never give up on exploring their small world
love to watch their energy an feel their honesty
reward and punishment make them stronger and smarter
beautiful gifts and souvenirs could cheer up their birthday party

years passing
big boys and big girls looking for their identity
neglecting some don't that don't suit to their youngster ways
building their own dream world
sometimes cupid comes between them
pink things and red roses decorating their hearts

the number increases
young ladies and young gents facing their wild world
doing some trials and errors
finding their path and faith
while some find that love is not just a game for fun
lucky one who meets soul-mate

man and woman in a lovely holy marriage
focus on raising a happy blessing family
cherish the love they have

age never decrease
older and wiser
life is about choices and the decision we make
learning from the past, leading the way to success and happiness

here i am in my middle-age
have some fortunes in my life
being a wife of a wonderful hubby
being a mommy for two cute daughters
blessing with a fairly prosperous life
i know i am not a perfect one but i believe i could do better each day

age never stop until the D-day
experiences make ones tougher, smarter and better
some have wise words for the restless heart
some have stories to be learned
some have love and laugh to be shared
the olders have eaten the bitten, sweet, sour and salty of life

then if they believe in God
they will find the way to heaven instead of paradise

there is nothing we can do 
when the death angel comes
breathless and motionless
we have eaten up our life time
leaving behind friends, things and dreams we have

here i am asking for myself
what have i done for my life
how good i use my blessing age
what will i get in my old days

happy birthday to whom celebrates it
happy day for all of us
May God bless all of us

thank you for celebrating your birthday with senyuman apik
thank you for sharing your time with senyuman apik
never hesitate to come over here again
i am waiting for your next visit

**Apik heArt +628883025956, Sidoarjo, Indonesia**

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

all new things

it might be not a good story.. indeed
dear, oh dear..
i just wanna tell a story..
but please forgive me if it will bother you..
i dont intend to show off my new things..
i just cant help to keep it myself.. (childish huuh!)
i've got a lot of good new things lately..
my hubby brought all those things to me..

Alhamdulillah.. thanks God on them..
they are really precious and expensive ones 
(at least that is what i'm thinking about them)..
the smallest one is our new wedding rings with White Sapphires..
the biggest one is Mr. Silver..
between them...
there are on my wrist, X2 in my hand, 
P handbag on my shoulder, C on my feet, 
golden red big fish in our tank and some more..
and the important thing is he entrusts those things to me..
wanna keep those things in prime condition..
since my hubby spent so much money on them, 
it makes me have to give an "intensive care" for each of them..
an exclusive thing needs expensive care.. 
so does an expensive thing needs intensive care..
but here i am.. 
a simple humble woman, sometimes clumsy too..
i don't know much about some expensive things..
just keep hoping.. 
they won't get me into the trouble..
hmmm.. not really trouble actually..
they bring so much fun, lovely and happy feeling..
they do positive on my days..

that's why..
trying to be more careful is all i should do..
play safe in every move..
soft and gentle touch on them..
that's easy, isn't it?
it's not a difficult thing at all..
(i hope)
however... it's a gift.. 
they are really precious gifts..
not every woman gets some precious things from her hubby..
hmmm... i'm the lucky one.. indeed..
i love my dear sweety simas.. my hubby ever...
not because of his gifts, but coz of his heart..

deep inside my heart.. 
i wish all the precious things i have could make my life gets better..
bring all to the good..
make some people smile..
Insya Allah..
thank you for visiting senyuman apik. 
hope we can always smile together..
cheer up our life..
apik heArt +628883025956 sidoarjo, jawa timur

Sunday, October 9, 2011


ntar souvenirnya apa yaaa?

memang pada banyak acara, baik pertemuan, perjamuan, 
pernikahan, perayaan ultah, juga selamatan.. 
souvenir menjadi satu bagian yang tak terpisahkan..
bahkan ada kecenderungan 
kalau souvenir menjadi sesuatu yang terhitung penting..
karena keberadaan souvenir 
memberi kesan lebih pada suatu acara.

bahkan... bisa jadi, bagi hadirin atau peserta ngerasa..
"pulang tanpa souvenir rasanya gimanaaaa gitu..."

berikut beberapa contoh souvenir buah tangan Apik heArt:

towel cake dari saputangan handuk kecil
towel cake yang bikin lapar..
towel cake yang segeeeer beneer..
manik dirangkai jadi bross, dikemas u/souvenir
saat dipakai, terkenang moment indah
susunan huruf nama-nama
gantungan kunci flannel
gantungan kunci flannel
bingkisan dikemas cantik untuk selamatan
wadah bisa dipakai, isi dapat dimanfaatkan..
coklat + kartu ucapan + bross
coklat yang dikemas pada foto sebelumnya
coklat batangan yang di kemas ulang
wadah pensil dari flannel
kepala pensil sekaligus gantungan kunci

hmmm, apapun deee...
souvenir dapat diberikan 
kepada siapa saja, kapan saja, dimana saja...
dan diharapkan..
bisa bikin senang 
siapa saja, kapan saja, dimana saja...
 semua terkesan dan tersenyum apik 

terima kasih sudah mampir mengunjungi senyuman apik. 
semoga selalu ada senyum di hati dan wajah kita. 
s e n y u m . . . . 
 Apik heArt 08883025956 sidoarjo, jawa timur
Tinkerbell Pink Glitter Wings