Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Will Fly... by Ten 2 Five

I Will Fly..

You know all the things i’ve said
You know all the things that we have done
And things i gave to you
There’s a chance for me to say
How precious you are in my life
And you know that it’s true

To be with you is all that i need
Cause with you, my life seems brighter and these are all the things
I wanna say...

I will fly into your arms
And be with you
Til the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me
To get myself close to you

You’re the reason why i stay
You’re the one who cannot believe
Our Love will never end
Is it only in my dream?
You’re the one who cannot see this
How can you be so blind?

I will fly into your arms
And be with you
Til the end of time
Why are you so far away
You know it’s very hard for me
To get myself close to you

I wanna get
I wanna get
I wanna get myself close to you

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

towel cake

ini orderan souvenir towel cake yang pertamaku..
Seperti biasa, pesanan adalah tantangan..
tantangan untuk memberikan yang terbaik..
senyum tulus adalah target utama..

belum pernah aku bikin towel cake sebanyak ini..
biasanya bikin untuk kado2 bayi aja..

sembari bikin, aku coba "dokumentasi"kan apa yang kusiapkan dan yang kukerjakan..
dan sekali lagi berharap terbit sebentuk senyum di hati yang membaca/ melihatnya..
plus harapan semoga apa yang kulakukan membawa manfaat bagi semuamuamua..

weeeellllaaaaah... koq fotonya gak urut gini seeeh...
harap maklum.. anyaran..

terima kasih  atas perhatian dan kunjungan ke senyuman apik.. lain kali mampir lagi yaa..

nefy's site 08883025956
@sidoarjo, jawa timur, indonesia

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

hullahop in Kartini's Day

kids always find their own way in spending time...
here is the story of my little girl in her school when celebrating Kartini's Day..
when everyone should wear traditional Indonesian costume..

my little one was wearing white kebaya.. with some hair do..

in this occasion, her school held a poem reading competition..
every student had to give their best performance..

sitting n watching the other participants were such boring things
 for my little girl..
here, the one of some that she did for killing time..
playing hullahop..
she didnt care about her kebaya n her hair do..
smiling on her.. 
while some girls feel uncomfortable with their costumes, 
she was playing hullahop..

and another proud smiling for her...
bravo Lyra, my little girl.. she won the competition..


there are some videos of my kids you can watch..
Tinkerbell Pink Glitter Wings